Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's that time again...

Hello friends,
Fall is in the air and that could mean only one thing--time to do some hiking. I've been training for the past month plus, getting ready for another Appalachian Trail adventure. Had to miss last year--2010--due to some personal issues, but I'm rearin' to go in 2011. Please stay tuned for further updates and news from the Trail. My EDT is next Sunday, Oct 02.


Lucy T Lynch said...

Best My Friend May the Force be with You..

Lucy T Lynch said...

May the Force be with you.

Harry S said...

Have a great hike my friend. Wish I could join you for a week or two this year. H

Patty said...

So happy to hear from you after a successful first day of the 2011 AT adventure! The journey has begun so enjoy and know we wish you much peace and happiness along the way! Be safe and Hike on!