Sunday, October 26, 2008

Passing the 100 mile mark

Yesterday, I passed the 100 mile mark on the AT somewhere north of Albert Mountain. Still have a way to go, but it's the farthest I've ever walked. Feet, knees, legs, feeling okay so far (knock on wood).


Harry S said...

Laree, 100 miles is awesome! You are doing great. Everyone stops at Franklin to regroup. NOC is great. Enjoy the next section, it funkadelic! zenpig

PattySev said...

Congrats again on your 100 mile mark!! I am so happy for you it sounds like you are enjoying the big adventure! And remember..."go get 'um tiger!"..OXO

Tim/Dana said...

hope you had a great hike today. love ya

Tim/Dana said...

hope it rains,snows on the whole trip/I wish i was there god bless. peaceman

ShugShap said...


I remember you wanting to take this trip since 1980, you made it come true! Be safe and stay warm and dry. NOthing like some cold weather to remind you you're alive. With warmest aloha. Patty